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Teacher Sets himself on Fire after Receiving a Dismissal Letter

A primary school teacher has set himself on fire after receiving a dismissal letter from the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) over an alleged indiscipline case.

The teacher from Webuye East Constituency in Bungoma County is said to have set himself ablaze on Thursday, December 16, following an interdiction by his employer.

The teacher is currently nursing serious injuries at a hospital in the area after being saved by the colleagues from taking his own life.

Confirming the incident, Webuye East Assistant Commissioner, Peter Yego, noted that the teacher also attempted to take the lives of his colleagues.

“The teacher arrived in school around 7:40am and gained entry through the backdoor,” the school watchman noted.

“He started a conversation with a fellow teacher and informed him that he wanted to see the headteacher. Shortly after, he locked the door to the headteacher and deputy’s offices and barricaded himself on the verandah leading to the staffroom.”

The teacher is reported to have poured petrol through a small opening on the door leading into the headteacher and deputy’s offices then set the office ablaze.

The targeted teachers noticed the incident then scampered for safety through the staffroom’s windows.

The teacher, who is facing disciplinary actions and still nursing injuries, is set to be arraigned upon fully recuperating.

According to the police boss, the teacher will face charges ranging from defilement, attempted murder, suicide, and destruction of public property.

This comes even as education stakeholders plan on introducing new means of dealing with cases of indiscipline both among students and teachers.

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