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TSC Teachers Set to Embrace Question Formulation Technique

Transforming Education through the Question Formulation Technique

In traditional classrooms, teachers held all the knowledge and imparted it through lectures. But times are changing with the Question Formulation Technique (QFT), which flips this approach on its head. Instead of teachers asking questions after teaching, they now teach by asking questions.

QFT is a structured method aimed at enhancing students’ ability to ask questions. This shift is pivotal as it cultivates critical thinking and problem-solving skills early on in education. Michael Muthama, a teacher at Kilembwa Secondary in Mwala Sub-County, observed significant improvements after implementing QFT. Student performance, classroom engagement, and overall interest in subjects soared.

“For the past two years, we’ve witnessed remarkable growth among our students using this technique. Now, we’re eager to share our success with fellow educators to elevate performance across our region,” Muthama remarked.

During the launch of QFT in Machakos, Polive Okude from Lower Yatta emphasized how the technique empowers learners to delve deeper and gain insights from peers. This approach aligns well with the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC), which emphasizes learner-centeredness over traditional teacher-centered methods, ensuring all students, regardless of ability, have equal opportunities to ask questions.

Dr. Gideon Kasivu, Principal Investigator, highlighted the technique’s potential to reinforce 21st-century skills through curiosity-driven learning. Plans are underway to integrate QFT principles into the national curriculum, engaging key education stakeholders for broader adoption.

“This initiative sparks innovation, especially within CBC, nurturing curiosity and encouraging teachers and parents to welcome questions from children,” added Prof. Josphat Kimatu, Co-Principal Investigator of QFT.

Led by Dr. Leonard Kamau, Dr. Janet Mulwa, Dr. Rose Kithungu, and the late Dr. Redempta Kiilu, the team aims to expand QFT to schools across South Eastern Kenya and beyond. James Musyoka, Executive Director of Kenya Connect, underscored the program’s success in training over 100 teachers in 10 partner schools.

Okude highlighted how QFT empowers learners to ask questions freely, fostering a supportive learning environment. This transformation promises a future where questioning is nurtured, driving education forward with curiosity as its cornerstone.

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