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TSC:Parents Uncover Financial Misconduct by School Head.

On Tuesday, parents of students at Mamunga Primary School in Voi, Taita Taveta County, took drastic action by storming the school premises to demand the resignation of the headteacher. The disruption halted learning activities as parents vowed not to leave until their concerns were addressed and their demands met.
“We need to see evidence, let him bring receipts to justify that the toilet constructed was worth Ksh400,000. We need accountability,” one parent insisted, echoing the broader sentiment of financial mismanagement and lack of transparency.
Allegations from parents include the misappropriation of funds intended for school development projects and mismanagement within the school’s administration. A specific grievance highlighted was the monthly Ksh1,000 lunch fee, which many parents argued was unaffordable for pupils from low-income families.
“All we are saying is that they should go, the treasurer, headmaster, and their juniors. They sit in offices demanding a lot of money from us parents,” another parent lamented, expressing frustration over the perceived exploitation by the school’s administration.
Concerns were also raised about the lack of transparency in the school’s tendering process. Parents questioned the suppliers’ identity and pricing, suggesting that the headteacher and other officials might be supplying goods themselves at inflated prices.
Another point of contention was the tenure of some officials, with parents claiming that several had served beyond the legally allowed period. They also accused the headteacher of manipulating the composition of the parent representatives on the school board to favor his preferences without broader consultation.
In addition to the headteacher’s resignation within 14 days, the parents demanded the establishment of a new parent association and the removal of the current account clerks. They have called on Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu to intervene, ensuring their demands are met, a new headteacher is appointed, and greater accountability is instituted in the school’s administration
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