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Teachers Demand Exit Buttons of KNUT and KUPPET

Teachers Demand Exit Buttons of KNUT and KUPPET

The Confusion Surrounding Double Deductions of (Provident Funds and NSSF).

Confusion is running high as teachers express their concerns over the double-deductions they are facing.

Notably, the deductions for both the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) and Provident Funds have left many teachers feeling frustrated.

Even more disheartening is the lack of concern from labour movement, Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) and Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) officials, who appear to have turned a blind eye to this unfair policy by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

The Unions were formed to respond to specific challenges of representation of teachers in the employment of Teachers Service Commission (TSC). Also to negotiate with the government for better terms and conditions of employment and thereby formulate clear representation and negotiation procedures including promotion and other packages

In this dilemma, a growing majority of teachers are now seeking an EXIT BUTTON to halt their contributions to these labour movements that have shown little regard for their plight.

The educators believe their hard-earned money should not be subjected to multiple deductions without proper justification or representation. Teachers are now calling for change, demanding fair treatment and accountability across the board.

Amidst the prevailing confusion, teachers are united in their plea for transparency and meaningful dialogue between the TSC and labor movements.

It is their hope that a resolution will be reached, eliminating the double-deductions and enabling them to redirect their funds towards organizations that prioritize their interests.

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