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TSC: Categories of Teachers to Receive Salaries and Arrears after 2022- 2023 Budget

TSC: Categories of Teachers to Receive Salaries and Arrears after 2022- 2023 Budget

Categories of Teachers to Receive Salaries and Arrears after 2022- 2023 Budget

The national budget is set to be submitted to Parliament on Thursday 15th June 2022 next week, which will see a number of teachers receive Salaries and Arrears.

Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is already putting things in place for its June payroll before its roll out

The Commission made several suggestions regarding the types of instructors who are scheduled to get arrears-pay this month.

  1. Primary schools teachers transferred to junior secondary schools (JSS)

PTE teachers who were assigned to teach Grade 7 students are among those who would get wages in arrears.

Only a small portion of the teachers received their paychecks this month, and they were mostly caught up on their payments.

After their documents were validated by their Sub County Directors and deployment letters were given out, the first cohorts, who applied by February 6th 2023, were sent to junior secondary schools.

The graduate teachers’ deployment (posting) letters indicated that they would begin at job group C2, where they would get a gross wage of ksh 58,335 per month.

TSC reported that it has received 10,833 requests for deployment of qualified primary school teachers to junior secondary schools in a circular dated February 17, 2023.

Only 7,400 eligible teachers, nevertheless, were assigned to begin working with students in grade 7

TSC CEO Dr Nancy Macharia offered explicit instructions to Sub County Directors and Primary Headteachers when releasing and receiving teachers in order to expedite payment for the deployed teachers.

“The County Directors shall begin publishing on the publishing, Entry/ Exit Reports Module to the Sub-County as soon as the instructors are deployed to JSS. The instructors would be posted to JSS by the Sub-County Director, according to TSC CEO Nancy Macharia in the circular.

She instructed Heads of Institution (HOI) releasing the instructors to exit them as soon as possible by submitting Exit Reports so that the Head of Institution receiving them can submit the Entry Report.

  1. Recently hired JSS teachers who skipped salary and accumulated arrears

The newly hired junior secondary school teachers will also get compensation from the Commission. Both temporary teachers and those with permanent positions fall under this category.

35,550 JSS teachers had been engaged by TSC, but 17,800 of them had not been paid. Even while the majority of people received their salaries in arrears this month, a small percentage did not.

  1. Promotion of teachers to the next job category

Teachers who were promoted to the next job group but did not get their wage arrears will see an increase in pay this month.

According to the Career Progression Guidelines (CPG), some teachers were promoted from B5 to C1, while others were advanced from C1 to C2. However, the wage increases were not paid.

Next Monday, the Commission will pay the teachers’ overdue fees, clearing the backlog.

  1. outstanding debts.

Any outstanding arrears will be paid to teachers by TSC. For instance, if a school is in a hardship zone and its instructors were not paid the hardship allowance for a few months because the school lacked a code, they will be reimbursed the arrears if the school receives a code and is included to the list of schools that fall under this category.

Another illustration is if a teacher was suspended, his case was resolved, and he was put back on the payroll, TSC would pay him in arrears.


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