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Fee Structures for National Schools in Kenya 2022

National School fees guidelines in Kenya vary significantly across different clusters of schools.

All the one hundred and three national schools in the country are classified into four categories called clusters.

The cluster of an institution depicts its human resource capability and available infrastructural facilities.

Below are the National School fees guidelines

Fee structure for national schools in Kenya National schools will be paying close to Kshs. 53, 554.00 after the government paid its subsidy.

The government is paying in complete the following vote heads

Teaching-learning material and exams – Kshs. 4, 792

Medical and insurance – Kshs 1,999

Other partial payments are as listed below.

Repair and maintenance fee – Kshs 1,886

Local transport – Kshs 1,833

Personal Emoluments (PE) – Kshs 5,755

Parents pay a larger share of KSh. 53,554.00

while the government pays KShs. 22,244.00 per student.

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