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KNEC Set Forth Strict Guidelines on KCPE, KCSE Exam Administration

Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) has issued strict guidelines in the preparation for the national exams that would be conducted in two weeks’ time.

Speaking during the launch of the official launch of the exams at the Kenya School of Government on Friday, February 18, KNEC Chief Executive Officer (CEO) David Njeng’ere stated that the exams are ready to be administered across the country.

The CEO who accompanied Cabinet Secretary for Interior Fred Matiang’i and his Education counterpart George Magoha further launched a national padlock to symbolise how the exam materials will be secured all over Kenya to avoid loss and damages.

The protocols laid out by KNEC included; examination materials being issued to Centre Managers in person and escorted by armed security personnel during the administration of examinations.Prior to administration of the examinations, all the County Directors of Education in liaison with TSC counterparts must ensure Centre Managers, Supervisors, and Invigilators are briefed on their roles.

The council further requires education officers to have briefing notes that will guide the administration of examinations. It also provided programmes for the assessment of candidates for orals, aural, and practical examinations.

KNEC as well provided stationery to be used during the administration of the examinations which include the timetables, attendance registers, reports and certificates of supervision among other documents.

Also in this year’s tests, KNEC unveiled a clear programme for the return of candidates’ answer scripts for both KCPE and KCSE.

A command and call centre was operationalised to enhance communication and monitoring of the conduct of examinations.

Teachers Service Commission (TSC) on the other hand announced that it has identified and vetted 242,406 teachers who will help KNEC in the administration of exams.

TSC CEO Nancy Macharia directed all field officers on leave to return to their workstations starting from Monday, February 2022.

In this academic year, national examinations will be administered twice, in March and November.

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