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TSC Outlines Group of Teachers Unfit for Replacement Opportunities 2022

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) on Wednesday 9th January 2022 advertised 2945 Replacement teaching vacancies for both primary and secondary school teachers.

This is welcoming news to the unemployed teachers as they going to try their luck

Based on the experience from the recently concluded mass employment exercise, the Teacher Service Commission (TSC) noted that some individuals apply for the same positions even without meeting the requirements.

This has forced the commission to take action and make clarification on the following category of teachers who MUST meet the TSC Requirements when applying for the recently advertised posts.

These categories include;

The documents are scrutinized to an extend of doing thorough inquiries from the stated university to ascertain if the applicant was in indeed a student of that university.

Teacher  Service Commission(TSC)  do keep records of teachers cases and once a teacher has been dismissed for one reason or another, the teacher is likely to be disqualified.

TSC states that a teacher should be registered once. In a case where a teacher has two TSC numbers, the teacher can be disqualified as well, the teacher is regarded to commit professional misconduct.

The TSC has given clear requirements for one to be a teacher whether primary or secondary level. Unfortunately some teachers ignore this and go ahead to train as teachers. When such teachers appear before the panel they likely to be disqualified .

For any TSC recruitment exercise if any Applicants is in  possession with certificates from unrecognized institutions call for an automatic disqualification.

In this case before facing the panelists for an applicant to stand in better position  not to be disqualified must state if he/she was employed previously by the commission.

A teacher can be qualified to teach  then Undertake  enhancement in two new subjects but has no teaching exposure in the subjects applied for .(not done any  teaching practice in the subject)

Missing In the graduation book list can hinder one to be disqualified during TSC interviews. One to be safe must provide a graduation book list having the true names of the applicant.

For an applicant to qualify all the names appearing on all the certificates must tally .In case they are not one has to Swear affidavit declaring the authenticity of the certificate in possession 

As a result of the above missing links, the commission has asked recruiting panels to be keener during interviews.

The teachers who will commit the above illegalities knowingly  will be  disqualified  and shall  receive regret letters from the commission.

The Commission again comes out with strict recruitment guidelines to be observed during employment exercise which include the following.

In addition, every applicant must present original and legible photocopies of the following documents:

1. National Identification Card.

2. CPE/KCPE certificates.

3. KCSE certificates including first attempt certificate if one repeated examinations

4. Degree/diploma Certificates and official transcripts

5. Primary and Secondary Schools leaving certificates.

6. A sworn affidavit to be availed   where names on the submitted documents differ.

The selection panel shall subject all candidates to a vetting exercise to ensure that each applicant meets the above guidelines

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