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How to apply for TSC Leaves Online; Step by Step Guide

Teachers Service Commission has noted that teachers including interns are required to henceforth apply for leave using the online platform.  

It is to note that there will be no manual application for all types of leaves effective 1st December, 2021.

In case of any challenges, teachers are advised to consult the Commission‘s ICT field officers who will be available to assist. Those who have already applied manually and proceeded on leave will not be affected.

In this write up, I will take you through the detailed procedure on how to apply for leave in the system via

System Access and Login by Teachers
i. Access the system, Open web browser(e.g Chrome,FireFox) and the HRMIS Url: or go to TSC Website >>Online Services>> HRMIS-
Teachers and click Leave.

ii. Put in your details-TSC No, ID Number, Mobile No and click

iii. A six-digit authorization code will be sent to your mobile number 

iv. Put in the authorization code and click login

v. On successful login the system is able to detect if you are either primary or post primary teachers 

vi. Click +Submit to apply for leave.

vii. Choose your preferred leave type and fill all the details and click Ok once done.

viii. Fill all the details and click Ok 

ix. The leave applied will be displayed as in the screen below.Click attachment to attach a  document for the leaves that requires attachment 

x. Click on the attachment icon to attach your document

xi. The window below is displayed. Click on on File attachment icon as shown to upload your  document 

xii. Click on Browse to locate your document 

xiv. Check the declaration box and Click Ok 

xv. Click close to exit

After completing this process, you will wait for the recommendation from your head of the institution for the commission to take action.

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