The Black Board Kenya

11 Students Slapped With Ksh1 Million Bail Over Destruction of Property

11 students from Chesamisi Boys High School were slapped with a cash bail of Ksh1 million over their involvement in a strike that led to destruction of property.

The students, who were appearing before Justice Gladys Odhiambo of Kimilili Law Courts, were charged with damaging property worth Ksh7.5 million.

The court heard that the eleven incited other students to go on a rampage.Justice Odhiambo ordered police officers handling the matter to conduct an age assessment of the students and table the report in court.

Further, he directed for the birth certificates of the 11 be presented in court to ascertain whether they are children or not

The prosecution was also asked to supply the students’ attorney with copies of charge sheets and witness statements.

Chesamisi High School : part of school property destroyed

The case will be heard on January 25, 2022.

The students will be held at Kimilili Police Station children’s cells until they comply with the bail terms issued by the court.

Cases of students destroying property in schools have been on the rise in the last couple of months.

Part of school property vandalized

Education Cabinet Secretary, George Magoha, and his Interior  counterpart Fred Matiang’i are now pushing to reintroduce caning in schools.

The duo argued that corporal punishment would tame the ever-increasing cases of indiscipline and schools unrest in the country.

“We need to introduce caning back in schools like yesterday… do not expect our teachers to do the impossible,” Magoha stated.

“We must discipline our children and we must insist on some things we cannot create a society of animals. So our work is to build schools as they burn them down? It’s tough love, our children must understand one thing that it takes sacrifice from parents to get these things,” Matiang’i weighed in.

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