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Grade 4 pupil Hangs Self after Argument with Father

A grade 4 pupil at Sirende Primary School has committed suicide after he differed with his father.

The 12-year-old pupil from Sirende village in Trans-Nzoia, Kiminini Sub-County reportedly took his life by hanging himself inside a neighbour’s coffee plantation.

The boy identified as P.S. had been assigned some work at home by his father, Dennis Khisa which he did not want.

After quarrelling with his father, he left home to an unknown place.

His disappearance prompted the family members to mount a search party for him.

The family however abandoned the search after darkness and resumed the mission the next morning. They later found the pupil hanging on the coffee tree.

The deceased has been living with his stepmother. His mother, Hellen Nekesa is said to have separated with Khisa sometime back over family issues.

A neighbour who declined to be named claimed that the boy had been at loggerheads with his father over the alleged mistreatment by his stepmother.

“The boy has been loggerhead with his father after accusing his stepmother of mistreating him,” the neighbour said.

Kiminini OCPD, Joseph Tumbo confirmed the incident saying the body was moved to Kitale county hospital mortuary.

“It is unfortunate that the lad terminated his life over family issues,” Tumbo said.

The officer urged parents to seek dialogue with their children when there is an issue in the family.

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