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List of Schools Burnt down in the Academic Year 2021-2022.

A wave of school fires in the country has left parents and other education stakeholders demanding solutions from the government.

The Country has witnessed spike in the cases of unrest in schools, with more than 32 leaning institutions having been burnt down this term alone.

A number of schools have been closed down after dormitories, classrooms and laboratories were torched and in some instances learners left nursing injuries.

Where property has been destroyed, parents will be forced to fork out money to help facilitate reconstruction of the infrastructure.

Here is a list of schools that have been burnt down from August 2021.

Nairobi County 
1. Buruburu Girls High School
2. Ofafa Jericho 

1. Kambaa Girls High School 
2. Kijabe Boys High School

Murang’a County
1. Gitweku Girls Secondary School in Kahuro
2. Mbugiti Boys High School 
3. Kahuhia Girls National School

Nyeri County
1. Kanjuri High School
2. Karima Boys High School

Bungoma County
1. St. Luke’s Boys High school Kimilili 

Busia County
1. Sigalame High School
2. Namboboto secondary school

Vihiga County
1. Vihiga Boys Secondary School 
2. Chavakali High School

Homa Bay
1. Ringa Boys High School
2. Gendia Boys High School 

Migori County
1. Osingo Mixed Secondary School
2. St Peters Abwao Secondary School
3. Gendia Boys High

Kilifi County
1.  Dr Krapf Memorial School
2. Malindi High School

Nakuru County
1. Moi High School Kabarak

Kirinyaga County

1. Moi Girls High School Marsabit 

Kisii County
1. Nyamagwa Boys High School in Kisii
2. St. Johns Nyamagwa Boys High School
3.  Amasago Boys Secondary
4. Amabuko Secondary School

Uasin Gishu County
1. Kipkabus Boys High 

Tharaka Nithi County
1. Kajiunduthi Secondary School
2. Kiriani Boys’ High School
3. Muthambi Boy’s High School

Narok County
1. Kabolecho Secondary School

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