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Two Students Drown in River Migori

Two students on Sunday, October 10, died by drowning in river Migori as they were on their way from church just two days before they opened school.

The boys, who study at Mwache Secondary School which is located in Suna East constituency was in Form One and Form Four respectively.

Addressing the media, George Owiti who is the area assistant chief said that the duo was trying to cross the river as they headed home when the incident took place.

The region is witnessing heavy rains that have seen rivers over-flooding.

“The two had crossed the river earlier in the day as they headed to church but did not manage to cross it on their way back home,” Owiti said, adding that efforts to save them bore no fruits as the two died.

Asked whether they had managed to retrieve the two lifeless bodies from the river, Owiti said the rescue mission was still on.

 “We are asking members of the public to alert the police immediately they spot the two bodies so that they can be taken out of the waters,” he said.

However, a friend of the two who is also younger than them managed to cross the river safely without any problems.

The survivor told police and Owiti that he was the first one to cross the river and he did it with so much ease only for his friends who were behind him failing to do so.

He also said that he had warned them not to cross as he did because the water levels were worrying but they ignored his pleas.

The Assistant Chief also asked members of the public to be very careful when they are crossing rivers especially during this time when it is raining heavily in the region

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