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KICD Bows to Parents Pressure over CBC, Issues Statement

The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) has issued a statement following complaints by parents over the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) under the 2-6-3-3 system of education.

In a statement on Thursday, September 9, KICD asked parents to be patient with the CBC after complaints on social media over the nature of assignments that children are taking home.

KICD reassured parents that the CBC is being implemented in phases to pave way for a smooth transition and to fix emerging issues. 

The agency further asked parents to exercise patience with the new curriculum as the issues they have been raised are being reviewed by the relevant entities.

“Let us not throw the baby out with the bathwater. CBC is being implemented in phases to pave way for a smooth transition and to fix emerging issues,” the statement read in part.

“Parents, we have heard you. We need to exercise restraint as the issues raised are being reviewed by the relevant entities.”

Guardians and parents have complained over the nature of assignments learners have been taking home with them, questioning the deadlines given and money spent in purchasing materials to be used in the school projects.

According to a local media, some parents said they spend upwards of Ksh25,000 to buy computers and tablets needed by the learners to undertake assignments. 

Other parents narrated how they had to buy printers as the assignments involved downloading and printing materials.

National Parents Association chairman, Nicholas Maiyo, accused some schools of being unreasonable, asking parents to buy many books, and in some cases, multiple books for one subject.

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