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Download TPAD Performance Management Tools

Checklist of Professional Documents to be Maintained by Teachers. pdf Download

Checklist of Documents to be Maintained by the Heads of Institution. pdf Download

Checklist of Documents to be Maintained by SNE Heads of Institution. pdf Download

TPAD Teacher Lesson Attendance Register TLAR. pdf Download

TPAD Calendar of Activities at the Institutional Level. pdf Download

TPAD Lesson Observation FormLOF.pdf Download

PC Calendar of activities for Heads of Primary and Secondary Schools. pdf Download

PC for Heads of Primary Schools 2021. pdf Download

PC for Heads of Institutions – Secondary 2021. pdf Download

TPAD Operational Manual. pdf Download

TPAD Lesson Recovery Schedule LRS. pdf Download

PC M and E Annual Progress Report Tool. pdf Download

PC M and E Monthly Progress Report Tool. pdf Download

PC M and E Termly Progress Report Tool. pdf Download

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