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Kagumo TTC Deputy Principal Commits Suicide

Grief has hit Kagumo Teachers Training College in Nyeri County after the institution’s Deputy Principal committed suicide at Mathari Consolata Hospital.

Cyrus Ndirangu is said to have committed suicide by hanging himself at the hospital clothesline after being rushed to the facility.

According to Nyeri police boss Paul Kuria, Ndirangu was rushed to the facility on Wednesday evening after ingesting an unknown poison in his house located at the institution.

“The teacher was rushed by his colleagues after ingesting an unknown poison. However, he sneaked out at night while undergoing treatment and committed suicide by hanging himself on the clothesline,” Kuria said.

Kuria also said police have launched investigations to establish circumstances that might have driven Ndirangu to kill himself.

“We have already sent sleuths at the facility to investigate how he died. We are awaiting reports from our officers, ” Kuria said.

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