The Black Board Kenya

KNEC Issues Guidelines on How Unpaid Contracted Professionals can get their Payment

The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) has issued guidelines on how unpaid contractors can get there dues.

KNEC directed those unpaid to click the link and provide all the required details.

Some of the details teachers are required to inject into the provided Google form are;

  1. Full name

2. Stationed institution & Position

3. Phone number

4. Amount not paid

5.Your current working station

6. Position you worked for e.g. Center manager, Supervisor, invigilator KNEC contracted professionals include centre managers (principals and head teachers), supervisors, invigilators and security personnel.

There have been outcry from teachers who have lamented over delayed payments. However those contracted to man KCSE exams have already been paid.

ALSO READ: Kenya National Examination Portal


Centre managers according to KNEC are paid Kshs 500 as subsistence allowance. High school Principals also earned a daily allowance of Sh500 for 18 days.

The highest paid Supervisor will walk away with a sum total of Sh12,510 while the highest paid invigilator got Sh9860.

However Knec will not pay Deputy School heads despite the fact that they were present during the examination period as assistant Centre Managers.

Also walking home empty handed are teachers handling science subjects who prepared and administered practicals during the KCSE examinations.

The government mobilised 180,000 teachers to man last year’s national examinations. A total of 286,000 professionals were contracted by the Council to administer the 2020 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams.

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