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TSC Issues Thousands of Show Cause Letters over TPAD Offences

The teachers’ Service Commission (TSC) last month listed 2,349 primary school teachers and an extra 827 high school teachers for failing to work out their Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development program on time.

The teachers, TSC said had either had an incomplete TPAD or an awaiting submission or appraisal, or the TPAD program countersigned by the school head. Following the listing, thousands of show cause letters have been issued to teachers over the TPAD offenses.

Teachers, had until 6th April 2021 to ensure they are fully appraised and the rating submitted online. TSC formally closed submission of term 2 TPAD on the 6th of April. But to be safe TSC all teachers must follow and stick to the TPAD schedule of activities to avoid the last-minute hurry.

The TPAD calendar of activities indicates that teachers should Plan meetings in the last week of the school holiday, before school opening involving all staff to set the institutions Tpad Activity calendar.

Heads of the institution should ensure that all teachers present their professional documents in the first week after reopening for approval. kan institutions Appraisees and appraisers) should begin undertaking lesson observations, identifying and documenting teacher’s professional gaps From the second week. This is an endless process going through to the tenth week.

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Teachers are also required to activate their TPAD account for the third term on time once it is opened for access. Teachers who fail to take part in the appraisal process will not be promoted, the Commission said.

“The implementation of tools, processes, and procedures for performance management are disadvantageous to teachers who are members of the Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut). This is because they stand no chance of being considered for promotion when their time is due since promotion is linked to performance appraisal,” states TSC.

The commission says that the appraisal system has been in place since 2016 on pilot basis, and working without being challenged by any teachers union.

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