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TSC Issues 2021 CBC Training Schedule for Teachers

The Teachers’ Commission (TSC) has issued a circular on teacher training in 2021 in the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC). According to the latest circulars from the Commission, the training will take place from May 25 to June 4, 2021.

The TSC will use a face-to-face and integrated model for teacher training.


Teachers will be trained for five (5) days on the dates indicated below;

Training Day Training Mode Training Area

25/05/2021 to 27/05/2021 Virtual Training Virtual Training for CSOs and CBC champions using Microsoft (regular) teams and SNE CSO Training and SNECBC Champions using Microsoft teams.

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31/05/2021 to 04/06/2020 Face-to-face Training Teacher Training Level (Regular)

31/05/2021 to 04/06/2020 Facilitation level of Zones of Teachers (SNE) face to face

Training mode

The training will be done in three phases next;

Eligible trainers will train Curriculum Support Officers (CSOs) and CBC Champions (both standard and SNE) at District level approximately using Microsoft Teams for three days from 25 to 27 May 2021.

CSOs and CBC Champions (both standard and SNE) will train teachers face-to-face in accordance with the MOH COVID protection rules for 5 days.

They should have at least 15 teachers per training room.

Some teachers need training

The target groups for training will be 2 teachers and the Head Teacher from each public primary school in the following;

Senior teachers from mainstream and SNE schools.

One teacher from grades 1 to 3 and one teacher from grades 4 to 5 (Ordinary schools)

One teacher from grade 1 to 3 and one teacher from grade 4 to 5 (SNE schools) based on the table provided below.

The Regional and County Directors TSC will do the following:

– Officially invite head teachers to be trained for 5 days.
– Identify and invite teachers to be trained for 5 days by their principals.
– Consider the selection of SNE teachers as they are led by SNO CSOs in your region based on the table provided below.
– Identify appropriate locations for CSOs and Sub county directors for training
– Encourage local facilitators to provide teachers with all food and tea.

-Coordinating training materials on time.

– Coordinating and monitoring teacher training sessions
– Prepare and mentor teachers for material training as advised by the finance unit from Head Office.
– Prepare and submit a training report

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