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Why KNEC had To Moderate KCPE 2020 Examination

2020 KCPE examination results came as a shock to many Kenyans. According to the ministry of education, this year’s results recorded an improvement as compared to the previous year. So did the ministry have to standardize the process in a bid to cushion learners?

According to examination experts, there are a number of instance where exam moderation can be considered. One of the Reasons that can lead to moderation is the learners’ preparedness. How learners have prepared for the examination will definitely affect the results and therefore examiners will be forced to moderate the examination results.

Another instance is when there is a national calamity or crisis in a region. In this case, covid-19 pandemic is a good example. Examiners can be forced to moderate results to be in favour of many especially if the results recorded are relatively low.

The third case is where examiners are unfair. If examiners are suspected to be unfair in marking, the examinations are moderated for those regions affected to be at the same level with others.

Disparities between regions can also lead to examination moderation. This is usually done for the results to produce a normal curve.
The 2020 KCPE students patiently wait to join secondary schools as the selection will be done later in July this year. The CS announced that all students will join secondary schools despite their marks.

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