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Secondary School Teacher Goes Missing After Visiting TSC Offices

An image of Gideon Munyao Mutua who went missing on March 22, 2021

A family in Makueni is worried after their son who is a teacher went missing after traveling to Nairobi to visit the Teacher Service Commission Offices.

Gideon Munyao Mutua who also ran a number of businesses on the sides, traveled to the TSC headquarters to make a request to be employed permanently.

The 29-years-old is a teacher at Darajani Secondary School near Kambu market where he also ran his small businesses.

According to his wife, Jane Mwikali, Munyao left for Nairobi on Monday, March 22, to visit the TSC head offices but has never returned home.

“He woke me up and told me he was ready to leave for Nairobi. We prayed and he left with his academic documents,” said Mwikali.

Munyao is reported to have left the Machinery stage for Nairobi at around 4:20 am on Monday, March 22, and arrived at Machakos Junction at 7:20 am.

His family further says that he was at Nairobi’s Jogoo Road at 7:55 am and at 9:30 am he called his wife to let her know that he had arrived and was headed to the TSC office located in Upper Hill.  

His wife told the police that he did not sound distressed at all. She told the police that she could not tell whether her husband reached the TSC offices or not.

Mwikali’s attempt to get in touch with her husband 2 hours later was unsuccessful as his phone had been switched off. 

It is over 6 days since Munyao went missing and his family has expressed concerns with the casual manner the police officers from Nairobi’s central Police Station  are handling the matter

on May 15, 2020, the missing teacher was attacked by armed men who ambushed him in the evening as he was closing his shops.

Munyao was saved by residents who ran to his rescue. The residents lynched one of the robbers, but the other three escaped into the darkness.  

His family claim that the police are yet to arrest or even identify the robbers in the incident, with some of them suspecting they may have had a hand in Munyao’s predicament.

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