A high school teacher at Kyase secondary school, Makueni County has been arrested alongside a KCSE candidate on Tuesday, March 23 after police officers busted the two inside the teacher’s house.
Reports indicate that the teacher was spotted locking himself inside his house at Kyase market with the 22-year-old female student.
Area residents were quick to spot the female student and reported the incident to the police station. Police officers rushed to the scene on suspicion that the teacher might sexually abuse the student.
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The police found the door locked and no signs of people inside. This prompted them to break the door only to find the student’s books and uniform on the floor.
“The two have been arrested and taken for medical examination at Kithuki Health Center,” the police stated.
Makueni County Commissioner Mohammed Maalim urged schools to vet teachers employed by the Boards of Management to ensure that they uphold the highest standards of integrity and ethics.
“There are plenty of women out there who are looking for marriage partners. Teachers must stop targeting students,” Maalim stated.
The Teachers Service Commission’s Code of Conduct and Ethics section 66(2) bars teachers from engaging in any sexual activity with a student regardless whether the student is of legal age or gives consent. Further, teachers are prohibited from requesting any sexual favors or flirting with the students.
The news comes as the KCPE examinations are currently underway with minimal cases of incidences reported during the two-day period.