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Magoha Asked to Apologise over KCSE KCPE Remarks

Education CS George Magoha has been put on the spot to apologise to KCSE and KCSE candidates in Migori and Kisii Counties.

Leaders in the region faulted Magoha for causing panic among the students who are about to begin their national examinations. They accused the CS of constantly maligning schools in the region as hotspots for exam cheating.

“The CS is demoralising the students by always saying that they are cheating in examinations when he appears on national TV. It is wrong,” County Assembly Chief Whip John Ombati stated.

Ombati was backed by the Nyamira Senator Okongo Omogeni who stated that the leaders in the Country had to work hard to get to where they are.

ALSO READ :Magoha Announces New Measures to Curb KCPE & KCSE Exam Malpractices

The leaders want Magoha to apologise for making the students panic ahead of the exams.

Kisii County Commissioner Allan Macharia stated that security had been beefed up to ensure that the examinations were not tainted by malpractices.

Magoha indicated that the Ministry and the Kenya National Examinations Council had information that there are criminal gangs intending to sneak in fake examination papers through porous border points at Isebania, Busia, Migori, and Kisii.


Magoha pointed out that the government will be on the necks of any individuals caught trying to compromise the integrity of the national examinations.

“Schools have made tremendous preparations for the examinations. Even Covid-19 is not a challenge anymore.

“Through the help of county governments who have been instrumental in issuing masks to learners, everything has fallen in place except for the merchants planning to confuse our children,” Magoha stated.

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