The number of teachers who are trained,registered but unemployed by the teachers service commission is far much high than those employed by the TSC.
Currently, the teachers employed by the TSC stands at 337,432 and those that are unemployed now stand atover 350,000 teachers. Teachers service commission has been employing 5000 teachers on permanent basis every year in the past three years. But this does not even translate to 2% of unemployed teachers.
As much as the number of teachers who are unemployed is skyrocketing, the lucky few teachers will be able to be absorbed by the TSC this year. This is after 7,908 teachers retired on 31st December 2020 after clicking the age of retirement which is set at 60 years.
The assurance from the Teachers service commission CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia is that these retired teachers will be replaced swiftly within this month. This now clearly indicates that the Teachers Service Commission is set to recruit on February 2021 that is exactly a month after retirement.
The criteria the commission is using of employing 5000 teachers every financial year does not translate even to the number of teachers the commission registers every year. For instance, the teachers Service commission registered 8,500 teachers in the financial year 2020/21 which shows a high number of teacher who are unemployed every year.
This implies from mathematics that over 3,500 teachers registered every year are not able to secure employment. The Teachers Service Commission has been recruiting teachers on internship who will bridge the gap created by the 100% transition.
1 Comment
Im here very miserable waiting for tsc employment since 2013. I pray that God sees my cry one day. So painful!