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TSC Issues New Guidelines for TPAD 2 Filling 2021,Term 2 & 3

The Teacher Service Commission (TSC) developed an online system that’s Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD 2) which assists in reporting of the performance of teachers via appraisal system.

The Commission  has now issued Some new guidelines on how the Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD 2) for term 2 and 3 will  be carried out.

According to the latest memo from the Commission, the TPAD system will be opened for term 3 for grade 4, class 8 and form 4 teachers and term 2 for teachers of the grade 1,2,3, class 5,6,7 and form 1,2 and 3 as from 11th January 2021 to 26th March 2021.

TSC has at the same time indicated that the TPAD 2 portal was opened for term 2 2020 on 12th October 2020 and closed on 31st December. This was after schools were opened and all teachers required to report to their work stations.

The following are some of the tasks teachers can be able to perform when the TPAD 2 portal is open:

1. Create a TPAD 2 Account and Login

2. Schedule an Appraisal Rating Meeting online 3. Undertake Lesson Observation

4. Capture learner progress records

5. Fill weekly lesson attendance data

6. Reach an agreement on Appraisee and Appraiser marks plus countersigning

7. Create a lesson observation request

In view of the above teachers are required to ensure the following ;

All teachers create appraisal depending on the classes they teach i.e. Teachers teaching grade 4, class 8 and form 4 should create appraisal for term 3 whereas the teachers teaching the other classes should create for term 2. This only applies for primary and secondary schools.

Submit a list of schools missing from the TPAD system in your respective Counties.

Submit list of schools yet to be provided with IPPD codes in your respective counties.

That all teachers are mapped in their respective schools, zones, sub counties and counties respectively.

Submit list of teachers yet to appear on TPAD online system (kindly provide their TSC numbers and work stations).

Inform all heads of institution that the Performance Contract (PC) for heads of institution and the PC calendar have been uploaded in the TPAD online system. All heads of institution should start filling their Performance Contract by developing the operational work plan by the 11th January 2021.

Generate appraisal reports from the TPAD online system. Where there are discrepancies of the total number of appraisals exceeding the total number of teachers, establish the root cause and take necessary action.

TSC says teachers are not getting adequate support from the field officers.

It has also come to the attention of the Commission that teachers are not getting adequate support in navigating the TPAD online system from field officers. This is due to the several enquiries being raised through different communication channels of the Commission.

This has been noted even after County Directors, County ICT officers and other field officers have been assigned rights in the TPAD online system. You are required to ensure that teachers are supported as part of effective service delivery” Says Dr. Mugwuku Menduni; the TSC Director of Quality Assurance and Standards

Duties/Rights of officers in the TPAD online system

The commission has also outlined the roles to be performed by each of the field officers:

1. TSC County Directors

2. Sub County Directors

Switch from one sub county to another for those with more than one (alternate)

Countersign and cancel appraisals


Undertaking lesson observations.

Create and check schedules.

Generate various reports

3. County ICT Officers.

4. Curriculum Support Officers (CS0s)

  1. Change a teacher’s institution

5. Head of Institution (HOI)

The head of institution can assign a teacher to be an appraiser and can also revoke those rights.

6. Deputy Head of Institution (DHOI)

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