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Parents in Dilemma as Face Masks Becomes a Big Challenge

As schools reopening date draws near, parents have been left in dilemma in finding the quality face masks that fit their children.

January 4th, 2021 will mark the beginning of the third term for Grade Four, Class Eight and Form Four students but will be the second term for the rest of the learners who stayed at home during the partial reopening of schools from October 12t” to December 23rd.

However, the government has not communicated yet on the right quality of face masks required. The plan by the government to supply  face masks has Already been captured in the National Treasury and Planning Post Covid-19 Economic Recovery strategies (2020-2022).

In the document, it was stipulated how the government plans to spend Sh 500 million to supply masks, soaps and sanitizers to public primary school Sh600 million for the next financial year for the same exercise.

In the same provision, the government plans to spend Sh l billion to supply masks to public secondary schools for two financial years with Sh. 800 million being spent in the last financial year with the balance used this financial year.

Education stakeholders, however, have  asked the government to intervene on the matter swiftly to ensure the safety of learners who have been reported to be eager to report to school after a ten- month holiday.

However, the National Parents Association Chair Mr. Nichalas Maiyo  hinted that the association has plans to deliver the right face masks to schools that will be bought by parents at Sh50 each.

“Due to lack of a proper prototype to used by learners in schools, we have negotiated with some of the manufacturers like Rivatex to deliver masks in their shops in Eldoret, Nairobi, Nakuru and Kisumu closer to schools. We shall also make further arrangements to deliver in schools,” said Maiyo.

Maiyo urged parents to ensure they provide their children with adequate masks. He noted that the learners, especially borders, are in dire need of adequate masks, adding that it is safe to ensure they have at least 20 masks.

On the other hand, the Association’s Chair Migori County Mr. Peter Odondi also urged parents to buy face masks to enhance the safety of their children in school. Odondi also noted that parents must play a role to ensure their children are safe once face to-face learning resumes.

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