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Lugulu Girls Closed Indefinitely after Students Protest over Alleged Defilement

Lugulu Girls High School in Webuye, Bungoma County has been closed indefinitely following protests by form four students over alleged defilement of a student in a bathroom.

In a text message sent to parents on Tuesday evening, December 8, the school administration informed parents that their daughters will be coming home on Wednesday from 6.30am.

“Your daughter will be coming home tomorrow, Wednesday, December 9, 2020, as from 6.30 am,” read the text message.

The school’s board of management decided to close the school indefinitely as police commence investigation into the incident.

Bungoma East Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) Secretary-General Aggrey Namisi said that the students were angered by Principal Dinaa Cheruiyot’s failure to take action after the matter was reported.

Namisi added that some students had reported to the principal that they were being sexually harassed by some teachers and support staff but their complains were never taken seriously.

“The students have been sent home and will be communicated to on when to resume after a thorough probe has been conducted,” he said.

Yesterday, the form four students staged their protests along the Webuye-Kitale Highway carrying twigs demanding justice for the 16-year-old girl who was allegedly assaulted within the school by unknown male person.

The incident allegedly happened at one of the school’s dormitory bathrooms on Saturday morning, December 5.

“The girl, who was on the verge of being sexually assaulted, raised the alarm, forcing the suspect to flee,” reads a report filed at the Webuye Police Station.

The students further alleged that there have been rampant cases in the recent past where strangers find their way into the dormitories.

They accused the school administration of failing to take action and threatening to expel anyone who raises such complaints.

“On several occasions, an unknown male sneaked into our hostels and switched off the lights and whenever we raise the matter with the school management, they ignore us,” said one of the students.

Bungoma County Woman Rep Catherine Wambilianga condemned the incident saying that it was quite unfortunate urging the authorities to speedily investigate the incident.

“I want to express my concerns and condemn with utmost clarity the defilement of the minor. It is the right of every child to access quality education and be protected at all costs by the authorities in whose care the parents have bestowed responsibility.”

“It is a school that we are proud of and therefore, we must guard the good culture and the safety of the girls, teachers and employees at all times,” she said.

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