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7 New School Reopening Plan Unveiled by President Uhuru

President Uhuru Kenyatta has unveiled seven new plans to ensure the smooth reopening of schools on Monday, January 4.

The National Treasury and Planning Post-Covid-19 Economic Recovery Strategy (2020-2021) has allocated a huge chunk of Kshs.929.5 Billion to schools.

1. Facemasks and Sanitisers

The Government is set to offer facemasks, soaps and sanitizers to learners at the cost of Ksh2.1 Billion in a move that will come as a relief to parents.

Education Cabinet Secretary Professor George Magoha previously revealed that the government would supply two facemasks to learners at the cost of Ksh.1.1 Billion with only a few schools getting facemasks.

A total of Ksh500 Million will be used to provide facemasks, soaps and sanitisers in primary schools in 2020, with Ksh600 Million set aside for 2021.

Secondary schools are set to get Ksh1 Billion for the supply of facemasks while Ksh800M will be used the following year.

2. Construction of classrooms

To comply with the Ministry of Health guidelines on social distancing, the Government has allocated has allocated Ksh 28.8 Billion to construct classrooms and refurbish previous ones to expand the learning space.

Secondary schools will use Ksh2.5 Billion on building 100 tuition blocks in the next two years.

A total of 6,352 classes, 4,838 sanitation facilities and 4,366 laboratories will be built using Ksh20.1 Billion.

Primary schools have been allocated Ksh1.2 Billion to construct classrooms and refurbished ablution blocks.

Water and Sanitation have been revamped in schools with Ksh5 Billion set aside to curb the possible spread of Covid-19 pandemic by improving hygiene.

3. Hiring of Teachers

The Government has committed Ksh10 Billion to hire more Primary and Secondary school teachers in the next two years.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has already announced 6,674 vacancies for tutor interns in primary and secondary schools.

4. School Feeding Programme

Learners are set to benefit from the school feeding programme as the Government has expanded the budget to Ksh5.6 Billion.

Ksh5 Billion is set to be channeled towards the nationwide expansion of school meals programmes with Ksh500 Million set aside to implement health policies.

5. Increase of Child Capacitation

The Government has revised the child capacitation an upward of Ksh152.1 Billion with Ksh73.1 Billion set to be used in 2020 and Ksh78.9 used in the following year.

6. Scholarship Grants

The Government has allocated Ksh4 Billion to provide secondary school learners in boarding with a scholarship grant and another Ksh1 Billion to cash transfer programme for learners in underserved areas

7. Post-Traumatic stress funds

Teachers and learners are set to be cushioned from post-trauma stress as the Government has set aside Ksh1.1 Billion.

The Government plans to Ksh645 million to recruit professional counsellors for Secondary schools and Ksh672 to counselling units in sub-counties.

A further Ksh500 Million has been set aside to provide learners with psycho-social support for the next two years

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