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Party after Party; More Teenagers arrested at house party in Kahawa Sukari estate

18 teenagers were on Friday night arrested at a house party within Kahawa Sukari estate in Ruiru, Kiambu County.

Police said the suspects aged between 16 to 18 years were celebrating a birthday and found drinking alcohol.

Ruiru DCC Geoffrey Githinji reiterated that the gathering was against COVID-19 protocols.

He urged parents to be more keen on the whereabouts of their children during this time that schools are closed.

The police boss warned that those who sold alcohol to the teenagers will be arrested and prosecuted.

He said the children will be released to their parents later on Saturday.

On November 23, another set of teenagers were arrested at an alcohol-filled birthday party at a hotel in Bungoma

Webuye OCPD Valerian Obore said police stormed the hotel after receiving a tip-off from members of the public about the minors partying.

The previous day, detectives had arrested 41-year-old Millicent Kithinji for hosting school children at her house in Mountain View Estate, Nairobi.

The children included 26 boys and 18 girls aged between 14 and 17 years; all in primary and secondary schools.

DCI detectives said various alcohol brands and bhang were recovered.

Several parents were notified about the incident as detectives sought to find out how the kids drawn from Machakos and Nairobi counties traveled without detection

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