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Nyanza Education Stake Holders Urge President Uhuru Not to Fire Magoha

Education stakeholders from Migori County have come out to defend the CS for Education Professor George Magoha following pressure from the public to send him packing following his derogatory remarks over his junior, County Director, Uasin Gishu.

The stakeholders have affirmed their stance to support the CS for education and asked the president not to fire him.

Peter Odondi, the chairman of the National Parents Association Migori Branch stated that Magoha is a good administrator however he is tough and no nonsense type.

As a CS for Education, Magoha has delivered effective policies which have streamlined the education sector.

“We are satisfied with his performance, he is a good performer but he should swallow his pride and apologise since one wrong can’t undo what he has done” he said

Caleb opondi, Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Migori branch, stated that those who want Magoha to be sacked have gone to the extreme

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