There was Drama at Nyabundo primary school in Mwamanwa Village, Kitutu Chache South Constituency in Kisii County, after a Class Eight pupil attempted to harm residents who forced him to go to school.
The early morning incident happened on Thursday, November 19 shocked the residents. The boy with a knife warned the residents and said that he will harm anybody who will try to take him back to school.
David Onduso, the head-teacher of the school said the boy, 19, had previously stated that he feared sitting the 2020 KCPE exam.
He demanded to be allowed to live his own way of lif.
Before the lessons ended, the teenager was escorted back to the school by Nyumba Kumi elders, who insisted the boy must do this year’s national examination.
Upon reaching the school, the pupil whipped out a kitchen knife from his pocket and attempted to stab the elders.
The teenager was, however, overpowered and disarmed.
The head-teacher advised that the candidate be taken for counselling, after which, he can resume studies.
The boy’s mother said she has attempted to tame the boy without success.