The Black Board Kenya

Defiant Magoha has Violated Article 73 of the Constitution

The CS for education Prof. George Magoha was on Saturday on the after he allegedly insulted a senior official in the Education Ministry.

Magoha was in Uasin Gishu County where he was inspecting schools preparedness in the area on Friday, November 6.

He faulted the official for the poor state of the school. “Wewe ni mjinga kabisa” (you are an Idiot) Magoha posed to the official.

Magoha is said to have violated Article 73 (1) (a) (ii) of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 which reads;

  1. Authority assigned to a state officer-

(a) is a public trust to be exercised in a manner that-

     (i) is consistent with the purpose and objects of this constitution;

     (ii) demonstrate respect for the people;

     (iii) brings honour to the nation and dignity to the office; and

     (iv) promote public confidence in the integrity of the office; and

     (b) vests in the state officer the responsibility to serve the people rather than the power to the rule.

  2) the guiding principles of leadership and integrity include-

     (a) selection of the basis of personal integrity, competence, and suitability, or election in free and fair election;

The CS for Education Prof. George Magoha has affirmed that he will not change the way he does things because of the video.

He stated that he is entitled to protect children and parents, and that he was ready to step aside if he was not meeting that goal.

“Nobody should be surprised at how I do things. I was in KNEC (official)… I made things work and now I am here to protect the interest of the parents and children…If I cannot do that I have no business being here,” he said.

 “If you have 30 schools in your area, and by the end of the month you have not visited even 10, then you have no business getting your salary. Those who implement policies must conform or I will make them do the job.

We need to give justice to the children and government that is spending colossal amount on them,” he added.

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