Police in Soy Constituency, Uasin Gishu County have launched a manhunt for a teacher after bhang plants were found in her homestead.
According to Fanuel Nasio, Soy sub-county Police Commander said they got a tip from a Good Samaritan and raided the teacher’s home. They found scores of Cannabis Sativa plants and several materials used to roll the bhang.
The teacher is said to have escaped the police trap after getting information that the police were to raid her home. However, she has been traced to her home county, Busia.
She is said to have intercropped Cannabis Sativa plants with kales in a vegetable garden within her homestead.
“The 100 cannabis plants were thriving in a homestead within Soy Township where the teacher lives with some of her workers. It is surprising that they were planted in a place where no one expected that people could grow a banned substance,” Mr Nasio said.
The police boss also said that suspect was doing an unlawful business worst of all selling it to school children.
“The rate of school-going teenagers smoking bhang has been on the increase, prompting the police to find the source of the illicit drug,” the police commander said.
He said the cannabis plants were uprooted and bhang rolling materials seized and will be used as exhibits in court.
Nasio added that the suspect promised to hand herself in at the Soy Police Station to shed light on the matter.
“We will go for her if she does not surrender herself at the police station today,” he said.
The teacher’s son was arrested and taken to Soy Police Station where he is helping the police with investigations.