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Schools and hospitals shut in coast region amid spike in COVID-19 cases

The second wave of Covid-19 infection in Coast region has forced schools and hospitals to shut its operations to avoid further infections.  

County government offices in Tana River, Mombasa and Kilifi have also closed its operations.

In Mombasa County, a case reported on Friday, a nurse died at Likoni Sub-County Hospital and eight other nurses tested positive for the virus forcing a shutdown of the facility.

Next was Shika Adabu health facility in Likoni Sub-County which borders Kwale and Mombasa.

It was closed on Tuesday after some of its staff tested positive. The health facility has more than 15 health workers and provides services for not less than 500 patients.

Star of the sea and Tononoka secondary schools were closed for fourteen days after teachers and students tested positive for the virus.

Likoni hospital is the only main Sub-County health facility providing services to more than 1,000 patients daily.

In Kilifi, On Thursday, the county government closed a number of departments after several employees tested positive.

The Governor said 24 health officers had contracted the virus and directed the department of Health to employ extra personnel.

Kingi further stated that the new spike of infections was as a result of residents loosening COVID-19 health guidelines and protocols.

The County has recorded at least 504 Covid-19 positive cases since the pandemic struck. Some 404 of the cases were registered between August and October.

“Officers of the county government will be working from home and only those in critical sectors will be allowed to access offices. We are doing this because the six officers who got infected must have gotten the virus from people seeking services in our offices,” said Kingi, adding that all county buildings will be fumigated.

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