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October 12, marked phased reopening of schools for learners in Grade Four, Class 8 and Form Four after seven months of closure due to corona virus pandemic. 

However, Stakeholders are thinking of stopping the gradual reopening of schools as a second wave of coronavirus infections appears unstoppable.

The reopening classes was expected to shade light on how learning would be rolled out to include all other learners.

But barely two weeks into the reopening, are several institutions have reported cases of COVID-19 cases teachers and students. 

On Wednesday, October 21 , learning in two secondary schools in Mombasa was suspended after 15 teachers tested positive for Covid-19.

Gilbert Kitiyo, Mombasa county commissioner said 11 teachers from Tononoka High School and 4 teachers from Mama Ngina Girls High School tested positive for the virus.

Star of the secondary school also reported the COVID-19 cases and samples from teachers and students taken for testing.

“We could be having several cases from Star of the Sea Secondary School but for now, the samples are still being analyzed. We should have the results soon,” Kitiyo said on Wednesday.

Both the Star of the Sea Secondary and Tononoka secondary schools have been closed. However, at Mama Ngina Girls High School learning continued despite the cases.

Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association chairman,Kahi Indimuli stated  that subsequent reopening of the remaining classes will affect social distancing measures.

With the current spike in COVID -19 cases, it is no longer safe for a continuation of gradual reopening.

“Let those in school remain in school for now. Schools should work to ensure they are protected as teaching and learning continues,” Kahi said.

He said recalling the other learners will compromise the safety of those who are already in school, especially in boarding schools

Stakeholders are of the view that the surge in infections should not push schools to be closed again rather they want a workable plan to ensure the continuity of teaching and learning.

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