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The Health CS Mutahi Kagwe is said to be considering introducing new measures to mitigate the increase in Covid-19 cases.

It is said that the CS has called for an urgent meeting of the National Emergency Response Committee (NERC) to be held on Sunday, October 18 to bring heads together to come up with measures of curbing the spiking numbers of COVID-19 cases.

The Health CS is expected to recommend some restrictions to President Uhuru Kenyatta who has always maintained that another lockdown is always on the table, should the situation deteriorate.

It’s hardly one week since the schools were reopened. Only Grade Four and Form Four reopened schools and much has not been done to the pupils who stayed at home for seven months.

Joy and laughter has returned to the deserted schools as candidates prepare for exams.

However, this may be cut short due to spike in covid-19 cases as the Health CS is thinking of the second lockdown.

 On Saturday October 17, 616 people tested positive for the novel COVID-19, from a sample size of 5,512 tested in the last 24 hours.

President Kenyatta had earlier warned that he will not hesitate to escalate containment measures in the event any of these indicators register on his dashboard.

The increase in the number of cases has been attributed to reckless abandon with which Kenyans have resumed their daily activities.

Political gatherings which have been held without adherence to the safety guidelines have also contributed in the spread of the virus. 

CS Kagwe is concerned that the spike in Covid-19 cases could plunge the country into an undesirable crisis even as the ministry allays fears of a second wave. 

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