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A student at Mawego Technical Training Institute (MTTI) in Homabay County; Rachuonyo North sub-county, has tested positive for Covid-19.

 The female student reported back to school after the Ministry of education directed all tertiary college students to report to school by October 5.She is among the final year learners who reported back in preparation for her final examination.

On reporting day, the student had mild fever and cold which made the principal of the institution to isolate her and reported the matter to health surveillance officers

The matter was referred to Homa Bay County executive in charge of Health Richard Muga.

“She came to school when she had slight fever and cold, which made the principal to suspect her and put her on a holding room separate from the other students,”Muga said

Mr. Muga further stated that the student has been moved from the institution and taken to the Kandiege Isolation center in Rachuonyo North sub-county.

She has tested and her health being monitored by the health officers on the ground.

“The student is not in the institution she has already been taken to the isolation center,” said Muga

Furthermore, contact tracing has begun for the persons who might have got into contact with the student back at their home and in the institution.

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