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Schools in Kenya were fully reopened after they were closed due to corona virus pandemic. The schools were closed in March over the COVID 19 pandemic. The phased reopening schools considered Grade Four, Class 8 and Form Four to resume learning.

On the opening day, teachers had a great task of teaching the COVID-19 guidelines and protocols to be practiced throughout the term. Teachers had to guarantee the safety of learners by ensuring that all Covid-19 regulations are put in place 

The outlined containment guidelines and protocols include:

More guidelines were given on how children were to conduct assemblies, engage in physical exercise or any running and vigorous activity.

Children with respiratory conditions like asthmatic, heart disease and sickle cell will get special treatment and their health record to be well known by the school administration and teachers.

Teachers have urged parents to buy washable facemasks for their children and report any coronavirus symptoms to the health authorities for testing.

Teachers have further urged regional health experts to carry out regular inspections in their respective areas and ensure all measures to fight the corona virus are put in place.

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