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On Monday, October 5, The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) raised concerns about the failure of the government to equip them with modern skills.

The concerns comes at a time when the nation marked the World Teachers Day despite schools across the country being shut due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

KUPPET on behalf  of the Teachers asked the government to take into consideration their concerns that mainly focused on lack of information, communications and technology skills.

“The provision of the physical and sanitary infrastructure essential to keeping learners, teachers and school communities safe by mitigating risk elements that affect the spread of transmittable ailments such as overcrowding and sharing facilities.

“Creating a regulatory regime for alternative learning to mainstream online learning in the curriculum and promote the production of digital open-access content at all levels of education,” read a statement from KUPPET.

Further, the union asked the government to prioritize on technological projects through the expansion of electricity connection, incentivizing telecommunication companies to extend data coverage, the establishment of science parks and promote IT literacy across all levels of learning.

KUPPET added that, teachers should be trained on new technology so that teachers are conversant with producing or adapting internet-based learning materials.

Finally, teachers pleaded with the government to recruited more tutors to carter for the increased number of classes and workload upon the rollout of social distancing protocols.

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