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A survey by Maendeleo ya Wanaume Organization (MAWE) conducted between July and August found that 80% of secondary school boys are sexually active. 

MAWE in its findings, revealed that 8 t out of 10 boys had a sexual relationship with a girl in their teenage years. The survey was conducted in Taita Taveta, Migori , Meru, Kiambu, Narok  and  Meru Counties.

The survey also reveals that 70% of boys are unwilling to repeat classes if the reopening of schools will be in 2021.

In Meru County, the MAWE survey revealed that 3 out of 10 high school students are most likely to drop out of school in order to work in the lucrative miraa (khat) business at the cost of learning.

The survey further indicates that about 6 out of 10 male students in Meru secondary schools chew khat (miraa).

The National government has been blamed for not enacting strict policies to regulate the Miraa business and to prevent abuse by learners.

It emerged that from the age of 12 years, the Meru Country teenagers abuse miraa.

In Kiambu Country, many of the underage boys engage in boda boda business as well as menial jobs in markets such as collecting and selling scrap metals and carrying goods. This is linked to its metropolitan essence. The area is prone to child labour.

The survey further revealed that teenagers in this region engage in criminal activities and join part of criminal gangs

In Taita Taveta County, the MAWE survey found out that almost 15% of minor boys engage in homosexuality, drug abuse alcohol and trafficking. 

The survey further states that, Taita-Taveta has a high number of drug abusers and traffickers. 3 out of 10 underage boys found to be affected by this lifestyle.

30% of the learners in Taita-Taveta County are most likely to drop out of school to engage in mining trade.

Mr Nderitu Njoka the chairman proposes the introduction of sex education in secondary schools. He adds that by doing so, students will get enough knowledge and better understanding of adolescence and the physical changes that takes place in their bodies as well as the impacts of engaging in irresponsible sexual behaviour.

Mr Njoka noted that there should be sufficient government programs that look into the plight of the endangered boy child.

The chairman proposes that the education ministry introduce guidance and counselling classes at primary and secondary schools level due to the horrendous behavioral changes observed among learners and the damaging effects of drug abuse during the pandemic lockdown.

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