Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) has appealed to the CS for Education Prof. George Magoha to cushion parents from Ksh1 Billion bill.
KUPPET chairman Omboko milemba has asked the government to provide at least three reusable face masks to learners in both primary and secondary schools ahead of phased school reopening.
He further added that, the primary and secondary schools have 12 million students which will see the government spend about Ksh1 billion to cater for the face masks.
“We urge the government to ensure that every student has a face mask. We have about 12 million students in primary and secondary schools.
“A reusable face mask is about Ksh20 which means that one for every student will cost around Ksh300 million and the total will come to around Ksh1 billion,” said Milembe.
The KUPPET Chairman argued since the government has been rocked with many corruption scandals, the cost will not be a burden.
He also stated that parents are currently grappling with raising school fees and have been severely impacted financially by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The CS for Education George Magoha is yet to speak on the issue of facemasks after announcing that schools across the country could reopen soon before the end of 2020.
Speaking back in June, Magoha announced that 24 million face masks will be procured from government institutions such as Rivatex, Kicotec and the National Youth Service (NYS) for learners.
Magoha had also back in June urged parents to buy face masks as the government would only cater for two when schools reopen.
Milemba urged the government to release funds to schools and ensure that learning institutions have enough washing points.
“We ask the government to provide enough washing points and sanitizers because these are basic requirements that schools will need when we reopen. “We also ask the Ministry of Education to ask Treasury to release funds for schools to enable them make adequate preparations after a six months break,” he added