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The County government of Homabay has launched a fumigation exercise in all public and private institutions ahead of the possible reopening of face-to-face learning.

Mr. Dr Adel Ottoman, director for promotive, preventive and palliative health services at the county government launched the exercise aimed at enhancing safety of learning institutions within the region.

Ottoman while addressing the press, revealed that the county government has set aside Sh20 million to aid in the process which is set to cut across the eight sub-counties in the County.

“This exercise is initiated by the county government and is intended to enhance safety at the learning institutions within the county ahead of reopening plans by the ministry of education,” said Ottoman.

882 primary and 331 secondary schools alongside 30 tertiary institutions in the region are set to benefit from the programme that is scheduled to be completed in six weeks.

However, Homabay sub-county director in the Ministry of Education Jacob Wanyama said the exercise will enhance safety in all learning institutions as he also encouraged the administrators to adhere to the Covid-19 protocols as stipulated by the Ministry of Health.

“The fumigation process is necessary and I wish to acknowledge the efforts put by the county government through health department to ensure that schools are made safe for learners as we await the announcement by the relative authorities at the national level on the possible resumption of learning,” said Wanyama. Wanyama further applauded the county government for its efforts to ensure they contribute towards the safety of learners ahead of reopening of schools across the county

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