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The final proposal of Education Response Committee on Covid-19 which was handed to CS for Education on Monday, has proposed learners to be in school from October 5 to 19.

The schools will be opened in phases, ending six months of closure occasioned by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Reopening schools in phases, will ensure schools learn to manage the students while implementing the Covid-19 health protocols.

It will also allow the government to deliver 360,000 desks to 5,136 primary and 263,157 lockers and chairs to 5,254 secondary schools made under the Economic Stimulus Programme.

The candidate’s classes were given first priority. Class Eight and Form Four learners will be the first to report to school.

The Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations are expected to sit for their exam on April 2021.

Class Seven pupils, Form Three students and Grade Four students have also been placed in the first group. They were considered because they are the next candidates

The second group to resume studies, will be Pre-Primary One and Two, Grade One, Two and Three, Standard Five and Six and Form One and Two. This will take place two to three weeks after the candidates have reported.

When all students resume, The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) will administer internal tests to all learners from Grade One to Form Four. The mode of the test is to assess learners their ability to remember what they studied before schools closed in March due to Corona Virus pandemic.

December 18 will mark the end of term two after which learners will break for two weeks before going back to school for third term from January 5 to April 2.

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