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The Ministry of Education has set Sh1.9 billion under the Economic Stimulus Programme for the supply of the locally assembled furniture to public primary and secondary schools ahead of January 2021 reopening.

Schools have been given a maximum of six weeks to prepare for resumption as plans to address the social distancing headache in primary and secondary institutions kicks off Monday.

The CS for Education directed all County Directors of Education to ensure some 622,000 desks, lockers and chairs are made and delivered to schools by October 19.

Sh1 billion of the Sh1.9 billion will be used to make lockers and chairs for public secondary schools, while the remaining Sh900 million will be used to make desks for primary schools.

Speaking at Pwani University in Kilifi, Cabinet Secretary for Education Prof George Magoha said the Ministry has developed a sample of the required desk.

The desks to be made, will be different from the ones used in schools. Each student will have a personal desk that has space to hold books and a large writing service.

Each of the selected primary schools will receive 70 desks, while secondary schools will get 50 lockers and chairs.

CS Magoha further clarified on the reopening of schools. He said the dates remains January 2021 but subjected to the prevailing circumstances.

“The government’s position on the reopening of middle level colleges and universities has not changed yet,” said Magoha.

The CS, however, added that schools reopening dates solely depends on the Covid-19 infection curve and the preparedness of institutions.

‘’Learning will resume when the Covid -19 infection drops to 5% and remains so for at least 14 days,’’ said Magoha.

Prof Magoha angrily accused and warned the media for misinterpretation of his statements and briefings over reopening of schools.

‘’The media has been misinterpreting my statements over resumption of learning and portraying me as a fool in the public eyes,’’ complained Magoha.

Prof Magoha also shed light on how the government is set to hire 10,000 tutors to relief the burden of extra classes. He added that the government is expected to release Sh15.4 billion to help public schools make the necessary preparations.

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