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The ministry of education is in its final stages of assessing schools preparedness for reopening in January. However head teachers have lamented that the funds released to the learning institutions for expansion and enhanced infrastructure is not enough for them to prepare for resumption 

The head teachers said most public schools have dilapidated infrastructure, crowded classes and overstretched dormitories which will pause a challenge to social distancing would be a major challenge if they were to reopen

The Kenya Secondary School Heads Association (KESSHA) chairman Kahi Indimuli said that many learning institutions do not have funds for school maintenance in the currents situation.

His counterpart Nicholas Gathemia of Kenya Primary Schools Heads Association (KEPSHA) added that learning institutions depending entirely on government funding are operating without budgets.

During the assessment, head teachers will be required to provide data and information on their schools’ ability to observe social distancing and ensure health and safety of learners, teachers and non-teaching staff.

Monitoring of school exercise is ongoing. All schools are expected to comply with the COVID 19 pandemic protocols. The Education ministry expects schools to put in place measures to ensure social distancing and high levels of hygiene.

The checklist includes ensuring there are adequate hand-washing points – preferably foot-operated – automatic sanitizer dispensers, thermos guns as well as equipped isolation facilities, protective gear and face masks within the institutions to curb the spread of Covid-19.

The head teachers questioned about the stimulus package of Sh6.5 billion announced by President Uhuru for improvement of school infrastructure.

This week, the Education ministry released Sh500 per student for maintenance and improvement of infrastructure.

The head teachers are complaining that Sh500 allocated for infrastructure is not adequate to prepare schools to meet the Covid-19 guidelines for reopening in January 2021. The money is not enough to install water tanks, buy thermo guns, soaps and sanitizers in line with the health requirements.

The KESSHA Chairman added that schools had not been issued with the guidelines and did not know how they are expected to prepare.

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