The Black Board Kenya


It’s now four months since all learning institution were closed. All universities and colleges are preparing for resumption come September 2020.A University will be cleared if only it meets all the requirements set by the Ministry of education and Ministry of health. In all set requirements, the safety of the learners has been prioritized .Among the main requirements needed are:

  1. Maintenance of social distance in and outside the classrooms.
  2. Provision of hygiene products e.g. sanitizers, soaps and running water.
  3. Fumigation of university buildings and vehicles.
  4. Students and staff temperatures to be checked before entering the classrooms.
  5. Creating awareness on the spread of CORONA Virus.
  6. Spreading out lessons to allow decongestion of classrooms.

Among the universities which are trying their best to meet the requirements is Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT)

Below is a statement from JKUAT

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, in compliance with the guidelines and measures given by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of education, has developed prevention protocols to stem the spread of coronavirus in preparation for re-opening.

Some of the measures include reorganizing the classrooms to maintain social distance between the students, availing various points for hand-washing, increased, WiFi hotspots in the University and temperature checks for staff and students.

JKUAT in pictures

JKUAT Classrooms arranged in accordance with the set guidelines
JKUAT hand washing area at Hall Six
JKUAT temperature checks at all entrances into the university
Triage tent at the JKUAT Hospital
One of the JKUAT security staff using the solar automatic hand-washing and temperature checking system developed by a team of students from JKUAT.

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