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One of the greatest lessons I have learnt in life is that nobody can imprison your mind without consent. In this era, I have discovered that some of the greatest minds are those that are behind bars. Our prisons are full of sharp and brilliant minds that can be revolution if given the chance. Let your mind think positively and all is done. Think of this, have you noticed that some of the best-selling books you read were authored in prison, imagine of the following books by John Kiriamiti; My life in Prison, My life in Crime, My life as a criminal these are but just an example. See how the positivity of the minds have brought miracles. This is enough proof that although one can confine your body, they can never imprison your mind.

Allow me to bring to your attention that many young people who attend school have great dreams but complete school without achieving them. Their great weakness is to think positively. They never want to think on a positive direction on how the challenges that they encounter can be solved .They never want to experience mentality change.

Back to our teaching profession, we have learnt different lessons in our schools environment. For Instance, you can erect a perimeter wall around the school. If you have not changed the mentality of the students and think positively, they will sneak out of school, they will jump over the wall since their minds have not embraced change.

A man is made great or small by his own mind, let’s strive to have a good mentality and always think positively

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