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When the government announced the suspension of learning in all educational institution, little did the parents know that they’ll stay longer with their children. It’s now three months since the closure of schools and the CORONA Virus pandemic is far from over. The school closure had a lot of implications for both learners and the parents. The parents have assumed their role and that of the teacher. Few parents are doing well but majority have failed in one or both roles.

Citing an example of Machakos County, which has reported a sudden surge in teen pregnancies of 3,964 in three and a half months under the shelter of their parents. The figure is an alarm and incomparable. It’s threating because the schools have a long way to resumption. Who is to blame for the evils done to the innocent generation? Is it the parents, our rotten society or the ineffective justice system?

How can a 12 year old girl become a mother? Teen girls cut short the pursuit of their education. Their dreams killed at such a tender age. Dear parents, be at the best of your role. Our children need supervision and attention. They need more parental love and care. The love of parents and care towards their children is the best gift for them.

Teens who feel the presence of parental love at home are likely to abstain from sex. They have the time to wait under parental guidance until they are mature or old enough to start having sex. Very few will thing of sexual partners. Close parent- child relationship not only help to protect early sex and pregnancy but also help them avoid risky behaviours. Let parents be parents and protect these teens from greedy hyenas. The power is you. Let’s join hands and eradicate the ills in our society.

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