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English Teacher:

Write an essay on Corona. Maximum number of Words-250.

Maths Teacher:

lf Corona Virus is COVID-19 then write an algebraic expression to show that COVID-18 and COVID-20 are both viruses.

Biology Teacher:

Using abiogenesis phenomenon briefly explain how Corona Virus affects the respiratory system.

CRE Teacher:

Outline the extent to which corona virus affected Christian values & morals.

Social Studies Teacher:

According to WHO (“World Health Organization”) Corona Virus originated from China and spread to other nations.  Discuss the global effects of covid-19 on human life.

Chemistry Teacher:

What is the empirical formula for Corona Virus? Write the chemical formula & forge reaction of COVID-19 with 5G.

Agriculture Teacher:

How did you manage to eat during the lockdown against spread of Corona Virus?

Physics Teacher:

If Corona virus pandemic broke out in 2020 then what is the atomic mass lost from COVID-20 to describe it as COVID-19?  

Literature Teacher:

Which figurative speech is the statement “Corona Virus, the pandemic that demonized the world”?

Business Studies Teacher:

Draw a curve to show how the rise of Corona Virus led to increase in demand for hand sanitizers and face masks.

Accounting Teacher:

Draft an income statement and clearly show the amount which was donated to Kenya to fight COVID-19 for the year ending 2020, net expenditure & surplus / deficit carried down to 2021.

Geography Teacher:

With the aid of a map, describe the country where Corona Virus originated and the countries where it spread thereafter.

Food and Nutrition Teacher:

Outline he recipes suitable for a Covid-19 Patient.

D & T Teacher:

Draw the 3D angle dimensions of a modern hand wash bucket stand.

Computer Science Teacher:

Describe the input, processor type, storage and output peripheral devices that made Bill Gates, the father of Microsoft Corporation to be linked to Covid-19.


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